K-6 Online Mathematics Tools and Resources
- Share a whiteboard tool using Zoom (Part 1 -- how to airplay using an iPad)
- Share a whiteboard tool using Zoom (Part 2 -- annotating a worksheet)
- Student Activity Books Tools For Teaching
6th Grade Lesson Supports
- Using ASSISSTMENTS with practice problems and lesson supports
- Geogebra practice problems
- Desmos Teacher Tools
- Peloquin list of resources
- Parent Observer Canvas Login English and Spanish
- Online Learning Chromebook User Agreement
- español-Acuerdo de uso de Chromebook de Jordan School District
- Chromebook Guidelines and Expectations
- Compatible Platforms
Computer troubleshooting videos
ELA Digital Supports
Canvas Supports: for more supports go to JSD Digital Learning web page
- How to video conference in Canvas
- How teachers access their Canvas account
- How students can access their Canvas account
- How parents can access their Observer account in Canvas
- español-Acceso estudiantil a Canvas
- español-Acceso parental a Canvas