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6th Grade Homework Help

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Math Expressions Links to Learnzillion Videos

The purpose of aligning the Math Expression text to the Learnzillion videos is to provide a resource for students, parents, and teachers.  Students, parents, and teachers can quickly find Learnzillion math videos to supplement the Math Expressions text.  Math Expressions and Learnzillion are different resources that both support the Utah State Core Standards.  Not every lesson from Math Expressions and every standard from the Utah State Core is supported by a Learnzillion video lesson as of this time.  More support content will be added as it becomes available.

Unit 1      Unit 2      Unit 3      Unit 4      Unit 5      Unit 6      Unit 7      Unit 8      Unit 9

Unit 1:  Rates, Ratios, and Proportions

Big Idea 1:  Multiplication and Rates, Lessons 1-5

Lesson 1.  Factor Puzzles and the Multiplication Table

Lesson 2.  Solving Factor Puzzles

Lesson 3.  Rate Situations and Rate Tables

Solve missing values in ratio problems using a table (6.RP.3a)

Solve ratio problems using tables and addition (6.RP.3a)

Solve ratio problems using tables and multiplication (6.RP.3a)

Solve missing values in ratio problems using a table (6.RP.3a)

Solve missing values in ratio problems using multiplicative reasoning (6.RP.3a)

Lesson 4.  Rate Situations and Unit Rate Language

Solve rate problems using multiplicative reasoning (6.RP.3b)

Create unit rate using diagram (6.RP.2)

Understand rates as a type of ratio (6.RP.2)

Create unit rate using tape diagram (6.RP.2)

Define unit rate using double number line (6.RP.2)

Solve missing values in ratio problems using a double number line (6.RP.3a)

Choose a strategy to solve ratio problems (6.RP.3a)

Lesson 5.  Unit Rates, Products, and Rate Tables  (See links above)

Big Idea 2:  Special Rate Situations and Graphing, Lessons 6-7

Lesson 6.  Unit Pricing

Solve ratio problems using tables and addition (6.RP.3a)

Solve ratio problems using tables and multiplication (6.RP.3a)

Solve ratio problems using double number lines (6.RP.3a)

Solve ratio problems by graphing on a coordinate plane (6.RP.3a)

Graphing rate problems using a table (6.RP.3b)

Lesson 7.  Constant Speed (See links above)


Big Idea 3:  Solve Problems with Ratio and Proportion, Lessons 8-11

Lesson 8.  Ratio as Linked Rates

Lesson 9.  Finding Linked Values in Ratio Tables

Lesson 10. Seeing Proportions in Ratio Tables

Solve ratio problems using double number lines (6.RP.3a)

Solve missing values in ratio problems using a table (6.RP.3a)

Solve missing values in ratio problems using a double number line (6.RP.3a)

Lesson 11. Identify and Solve Proportion Situations

Find the missing value of a proportion (6.RP.3a)

Solve for missing values in rate problems using a table (6.RP.3b)

Solve rate problems using double number lines (6.RP.3b)

Graph ratios using a table (6.RP.3a)

Big Idea 4:  Identify, Solve, and Write Proportion Situations, Lessons 12-14

Lesson 12. Solve Numeric Proportion Problems

Lesson 13. Basic Ratio Solution Strategies

Lesson 14. Write and Solve Proportion Problems


Unit 2:  Area of Polygons

Big Idea 1:  Derive Area Formulas and Solve problems: Parallelograms and Triangles, Lessons 1-5

Lesson 1.  Units of Area

Lesson 2.  Area of Any Right Triangle

Lesson 3.  Area of Any Parallelogram

Find the area of a parallelogram by decomposing (6.G.1)

Lesson 4.  Area of Any Triangle

Lesson 5.  Select the Needed Measurements

Big Idea 2:  Derive Area Formulas and Solve Problems: Trapezoids and Other Polygons, Lessons 6-9

Lesson 6.  Area of Any Trapezoid

Find the area of a trapezoid by composing a parallelogram (6.G.1)

Lesson 7.  Area of a Complex Figure

Find the area of polygons by decomposing into triangles, rectangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids (6.G.1)

Lesson 8.  Area of Any Regular Polygon

Lesson 9.  Graph Polygons in the Coordinate Plane

Draw polygons using given coordinates as vertices (6.G.3)

Find perimeter and area by finding the length of sides by comparing coordinates (6.G.3)

Determine unknown ordered pairs using the characteristics of polygons (6.G.3)



Unit 3:  Operations with Whole Numbers, Fractions, and Decimals

Big Idea 1:  Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers and Decimals, Lessons 1-5

Lesson 1.  Place Value and Whole Numbers

Name decimals through the thousandths place (5.NBT.3a)

Write thousandths as decimal numbers (5.NBT.3a)

Identify the value of a digit by looking at its place (5.NBT.1)

Divide 4-digit dividends by 2-digit divisors by using expanded notation (5.NBT.6)

Divide 4-digit dividends by 2-digit divisors by using an area model (5.NBT.6)

Divide 4-digit dividends by 2-digit divisors by using a rectangular array (5.NBT.6)

Divide 4-digit dividends by 2- digit divisors by setting up an equation (5.NBT.6)

Lesson 2.  Estimated Multipliers in Division

Lesson 3.  Multiplying by a Decimal

Use an area model to multiply decimals by decimals (5.NBT.7)

Lesson 4.  Decimal Divisors

Divide decimals by using a number line (5.NBT.7)

Divide decimals using knowledge of multiplication (5.NBT.7)

Lesson 5.   Multiplication or Division

Big Idea 2:  Relating, Composing, and Decomposing Decimals and Fractions, Lessons 6-9

Lesson 6.  Comparing Adding, and Subtracting with the Same Unit.

Compare and order decimals to the thousandths place (5.NBT.3b)

Compare decimals using fractions (5.NBT.3b)

Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators (5.NF.2)

Add mixed number fractions with different denominators using area models (5.NF.1)

Subtract mixed number fractions with different denominators using area  models (5.NF.1)

Lesson 7.  Equivalent Fractions or Decimals (See videos from lesson 6)

Lesson 8.  Finding a Common Unit Fraction (See videos from lesson 6)

Lesson 9.  Mixed Problem Solving (See videos from lesson 6)

Big Idea 3:  Multiplying Fractions and Dividing with Fraction and Whole Numbers, Lessons 10-12

Lesson 10. Multiplying with Fractions

Multiply fractions by fractions: using a sequence of operations (5.NF.4)

Multiply fractions by whole numbers: describing the problem (5.NF.4a)

Multiply fractions by fractions: finding a part of a part (5.NF.4a)

Multiply a whole number by a fraction using area models (5.NF.4a)

Multiply a fraction by a fraction using area models (1) (5.NF.4a)

Multiply a fraction by a fraction using area models (2) (5.NF.4a)

Find the product of a fraction and a mixed number by using area models (5.NF.4b)

Multiply fractions by fractions using area models (6.NS.1)

Multiply fractions by fractions by multiplying across (6.NS.1)

Multiply whole numbers by fractions: using repeated addition (6.NS.1)

Multiply mixed numbers by renaming factors (6.NS.1)

Multiply whole by mixed numbers: break-it-apart (6.NS.1)

Multiply whole numbers by mixed numbers: using area models (6.NS.1)


Lesson 11. Dividing with Fractions and Whole Numbers (See videos from lesson 10)

Lesson 12. Is It Multiplying or Dividing?

Big Idea 4:  Dividing a Fraction by a Fraction, Lessons 13-17

Lesson 13. Dividing Numerators and Denominators

Lesson 14. Dividing by Unsimplifying

Lesson 15. Dividing by Multiplying by the Reciprocal

Divide a fraction by a whole number (6.NS.1)

Divide a whole number by a non-unit fraction (6.NS.1)

Divide a fraction by a fraction (6.NS.1)

Understand why dividing by a number gives the same result as multiplying by its reciprocal (6.NS.1)

Solve division of fractions problems using reciprocals (6.NS.1)

Divide a fraction by a fraction with remainders (6.NS.1)

Find the reciprocal of mixed numbers: renaming (6.NS.1)

Divide fractions by fractions: using the common denominator (6.NS.1)

Divide mixed numbers by fractions: using models (6.NS.1)

Divide fractions by fractions: using models (6.NS.1)

Interpret remainders when div using models (6.NS.1)

Divide fractions by fractions: using the reciprocal (6.NS.1)

Divide fractions by fractions: dividing across (6.NS.1)

Lesson 16. Is It Multiplying or Dividing? (See videos from lesson 15)

Lesson 17. Mixed Practice with Decimals and Fractions (See videos from lesson 15)



Unit 4:  Surface Area of Prisms and Pyramids

Big Idea 1:  Nets and Surface Area of Prisms, Lessons 1-3

Lesson 1.  Nets and Surface Area for Rectangular Prisms

Represent 3-D figures with nets (6.G.4)

Analyze rectangular prisms to find surface area – Part 1 (6.G.4)

Analyze rectangular prisms to find surface area – Part 2 (6.G.4)

Identify the parts of three-dimensional solids (6.G.4)

Represent three-dimensional figures with nets (6.G.4)

Find surface area of rectangular prisms (6.G.4)

Identify parts of 3-dimensional solids (6.G.4)

Find the surface area of a rectangular prism (6.G.4)

Find the surface area of a rectangular prism in context (6.G.4)

Lesson 2.  Nets and Surface Area for Nonrectangular Prisms

Analyze triangular prisms to find surface area – Part 1(6.G.4)

Analyze triangular prisms to find surface area – Part 2 (6.G.4)

Find the surface area of a triangular prism (6.G.4)

Find the surface area of a triangular prism in context (6.G.4)

Lesson 3.  Surface Area for Prisms (See videos from lesson 1 & 2)

Big Idea 2:  Nets and Surface Area of Pyramids

Lesson 4.  Nets for Pyramids

Lesson 5.  Surface Area of Pyramids

Unit 5:  Expressions and Equations

Big Idea 1:  Writing, Interpreting, and Analyzing Expressions, Lessons 1-5

Lesson 1.  Expressions and Order of Operations

Read and write algebraic expressions using parentheses (6.EE.2b)

Read and write an algebraic expression containing a variable (6.EE.2a)

Lesson 2.  Expressions with Exponents

Write numerical expressions involving whole-number exponents (6.EE.1)

Evaluate numerical expressions by using whole-number exponents (6.EE.1)

Write a numerical expression using exponents by interpreting a problem (6.EE.1)

Evaluate algebraic expressions with exponents (6.EE.2c)

Lesson 3.  Interpreting and Analyzing Expressions

Write word problems as algebraic expressions (6.EE.2a)

Use alternative notation for multiplication and division in algebraic expressions (6.EE.2b)

Read and write algebraic expressions using parentheses (6.EE.2b)

Lesson 4.  Modeling and Simplifying Expressions

Evaluate one-step algebraic expressions by substitution (6.EE.2c)

Write and evaluate algebraic expressions using formulas (6.EE.2c)

Evaluate multiple step algebraic expressions by substitution (6.EE.2c)

Lesson 5.  Expressions for Area and Surface Area

Find the area of a square and the surface area of a cube (6.EE.2c)

Find the volume of a cube (6.EE.2c)

Analyze rectangular prisms to find surface area – Part 1 (6.G.4)

Analyze rectangular prisms to find surface area – Part 2 (6.G.4)

Solve real-world problems with surface area (6.G.4)

Find the surface area of a rectangular prism (6.G.4)

Find the surface area of a rectangular prism in context (6.G.4)


Big Idea 2:  Equivalent Expressions, Lessons 6-9

Lesson 6.  Equivalent Expressions

Write equivalent expressions using the Additive Inverse Property (6.EE.3)

Write equivalent expressions using the Distributive Property of Multiplication over Addition (6.EE.3)

Write equivalent expressions using the Multiplicative Inverse Property (6.EE.3)

Lesson 7.  The Commutative and Associative Properties

Lesson 8.  The Distributive Property

Write equivalent expressions using distributive property (6.EE.3)

Lesson 9.  Practice with Expressions (See videos for lessons above)

Big Idea 3:  Representing and Describing Quantitative Relationships, Lessons 10-13

Lesson 10. Relating Two Quantities

Identify variables and their relationship in a table (EE.9)

Identify variables and their relationship in a real-world situation (EE.9)

Convert real world situations into equations using models (EE.9)

Lesson 11. Motion at a Constant Speed

Lesson 12. Relating Equations, Tables, and Graphs

Identify variables and their relationship in a graph (EE.9)

Write equation of a graph using a table (EE.9)

Create equivalent algebraic representations (table, graph, equation, word problem). (EE.9)

Lesson 13. Writing Equations (See videos for lessons above)


Big Idea 4:  Solving Equations and Inequalities, Lessons 14-17

Lesson 14. Inequalities

Write inequalities given a number line representation (6.EE.8)

Represent the solution set of an equality using a number line (6.EE.8)

Represent real-world scenarios involving inequalities with number line representations (6.EE.8)

Lesson 15. Solutions of Equations and Inequalities

Lesson 16. Addition and Subtraction Equations

Solve algebraic equations involving addition and subtraction using inverse operations (6.EE.7)


Write addition & subtraction problems as algebraic expressions (6.EE.7)

Solve addition and subtraction problems: using 1-step equations (6.EE.7)

Lesson 17. Multiplication and Division Equations

Write an algebraic equation from a real-world scenario using multiplication and division (6.EE.7)


Solve multiplication and division problems: using 1-step equations (6.EE.7)

Solve real-world problems: using multiplication and division equations (6.EE.7)


Unit 6:  Volume of a Rectangular Prism

Big Idea 1:  Volume Formulas for Rectangular Prisms, Lessons 1-6

Lesson 1.  What Is Volume

Find the volume of a rectangular prism by filling it with unit cubes (6.G.2)

Find the volume of a rectangular prism by developing a formula (6.G.2)

Find the volume of a cube (6.EE.2c)

Lesson 2.  Fractional Unit Cubes

Find the volume of a fractional rectangular prism: using unit cubes (6.G.2)

Lesson 3.  Compose Rectangular Prisms with Fractional Edge Lengths (See above)

Lesson 4.  Volume of Prisms with Fractional Edge Lengths (See above)

Lesson 5.  Write and Solve Equations about Volume


Unit 7:  Ratios and Rates with Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

Big Idea 1:  Ratios, Fractions, Unit Rates, and Cross-Multiplying, Lessons 1-4

Lesson 1.  Comparing Ratios

Visualize part-to-part ratios using pictures (6.RP.1)

Identify part-to-total ratios using a diagram (6.RP.1)

Identify all types of ratios using a diagram (6.RP.1)

Identify implied information in part-to-part ratios (6.RP.1)

Visualize part-to-total ratios using pictures (6.RP.1)

Identify part-to-part ratios using a diagram (6.RP.1)

Understand the importance of order in ratios (6.RP.1)

Solve ratio problems by graphing on a coordinate plane (6.RP.3a)

Lesson 2.  Unit Rates

Create unit rate using diagram (6.RP.2)

Understand rates as a type of ratio (6.RP.2)

Create unit rate using tape diagram (6.RP.2)

Define unit rate using double number line (6.RP.2)


Lesson 3.  Ratios, Fractions, and Fraction Notation

Understanding ratios and fractions by analyzing a picture (6.RP.1)

Understand the difference between fractions and ratios (6.RP.1)

Lesson 4.  Understanding Cross-Multiplication

Big Idea 2:  Ratios with Tape Diagrams and Equations, Lessons 5-7

Lesson 5.  Describing Ratios with Tape Diagrams

Identify implied information in part-to-total ratios (6.RP.1)

Visualize part-to-part ratios using pictures (6.RP.1)

Identify part-to-total ratios using a diagram (6.RP.1)

Visualize part-to-total ratios using pictures (6.RP.1)

Identify part-to-part ratios using a diagram (6.RP.1)

Convert between part-to-part and part-to-total ratios by drawing a picture (6.RP.1)

Identify implied information in part-to-part ratios (6.RP.1)

Lesson 6.  Ratios and Multiplicative Comparisons

Solve ratio problems using tables and multiplication (6.RP.3a)

Solve missing values in ratio problems using multiplicative reasoning (6.RP.3a)

Solve rate problems using multiplicative reasoning (6.RP.3b)

Write an algebraic equation from a real-world scenario using multiplication and division (6.EE.7)

Lesson 7.  Solve Ratio and Rate Problems

Solve ratio problems using tables and addition (6.RP.3a)

Solve ratio problems using tables and multiplication (6.RP.3a)

Solve ratio problems using double number lines (6.RP.3a)

Solve ratio problems by graphing on a coordinate plane (6.RP.3a)

Solve missing values in ratio problems using a table (6.RP.3a)

Solve missing values in ratio problems using multiplicative reasoning (6.RP.3a)


Big Idea 3:  Percent, Lessons 8-11

Lesson 8.  The Meaning of Percent

Find the total when the percent and part are known (6.RP.3c)

Solve percent problems using a ratio table (6.RP.3c)

Define percents as ratios (6.RP.3c)

Visualize percents using 10×10 grids (6.RP.3c)

Compare ratios using tables and percents (6.RP.3c)

Find the part when the percent and total are known (6.RP.3c)

Find the part when the percent and total are known (6.RP.3d)

Lesson 9.  Percent of a Number (See videos above in lesson 8)

Lesson 10. Percent Calculations (See videos above in lesson 8)

Lesson 11. Solve Percent Problems (See videos above in lesson 8)

Big Idea 4:  Relate Different Measurement Units, Lessons 12-13

Lesson 12. Convert Units of Length


Lesson 13. Convert Units of Liquid Volume, Mass, and Weight


Unit 8: Analyzing Statistics

Big Idea 1:  Displaying Data, Lessons 1-2

Lesson 1.  Making Sense of Data

Lesson 2.  Dot Plots and Histograms

Describe Attributes of a Data Set by Analyzing Line Plots Histograms and Box Plots (6.SP.5b)


Big Idea 2:  Summarizing Data: The Mean, the Median, Lessons 3-6

Lesson 3.  Making Data Groups Equal

Find the Mean of a Data Set (6.SP.2)

Use and Find the Range of a Data Set (6.SP.2)

Analyze the Shape of a Graph to Describe the Distribution of Data (6.SP.2)

Lesson 4.  Use the Mean (See Videos in Lesson 3 above)

Lesson 5.  The Mean as a Balance Point (See Videos in Lesson 3 above)

Lesson 6.  Find and Use the Median (See Videos in Lesson 3 above)

Lesson 7.  Find and Use the Median (See Videos in Lesson 3 above)


Big Idea 3:  Describing Variability in Data, Lessons 7-11

Lesson 8.  Variability in Data

Describe the Distribution of data using the Mean Absolute Deviation (6.SP.2)

Summarize the Spread of Data Using Range and Mean Absolute Deviation (6.SP.3)

Describe the Spread of Data by Finding Range Interquartile Range and mean Absolute Deviation (6.SP.5c)

Analyze the Shape of a Graph to Describe the Distribution of Data (6.SP.2)

Lesson 9.  Box Plots (See Videos in Lesson 8 above)

Lesson 10. Mean Absolute Deviation (See Videos in Lesson 8 above)

Lesson 11. Cluster, Peaks, Gaps, and Outliers (See Videos in Lesson 8 above)

Lesson 12. Collect, Display, and Interpret Data (See Videos in Lesson 8 above)



Unit 9: Rational Numbers and the Coordinate Plane

Big Idea 1:  Discuss, Compare, and Graph Integers, Lessons 1-4

Lesson 1.  Negative Numbers in the Real World

Understanding positive and negative numbers with temperature (6.NS.5)

Understanding positive and negative numbers with money (6.NS.5)

Understanding positive and negative numbers using elevations (6.NS.5)

Lesson 2.  Integers on a Number Line

Understand the opposite of a number by looking at a number line (6.NS.6a)

Locate positive rational numbers using a number line (6.NS.6a)

Understand the relationship between two numbers using a number line (6.NS.7a)

Lesson 3.  Compare and Order Integers

Understand the opposite of a number by looking at a number line (6.NS.6a)

Find absolute value using a number line (6.NS.7c)

Compare more than two positive or negative numbers in real-world situations (6.NS.7b)

Compare two positive or negative numbers in real-world situations (6.NS.7b)

Use a number line to understand the relationship between rational numbers and absolute value (6.NS.7c)

Interpret absolute value in real-world situations (6.NS.7d)

Use a number line to understand how while the value of a negative number decreases, its absolute value increases (6.NS.7d)

Use absolute value to find distances between points (6.NS.8)

Lesson 4.  Integers and the Coordinate Plane

Understand the coordinate plane as horizontal and vertical number lines (6.NS.6b)

Graph points on a coordinate plane (6.NS.6b)

Graph rational numbers on a coordinate plane (6.NS.6c)

Find the length and width of a rectangle given four points on the coordinate plane (6.NS.8)

Graph and  solve mathematical problems using a coordinate plane (6.NS.8)

Graph and solve real-world problems using a coordinate plane (6.NS.8)

Graph points in any quadrant (6.NS.8)

Write coordinate pairs for points (6.NS.8)

Find the distance between two points in different quadrants (6.NS.8)

Find the length and width of a rectangle given four points on the coordinate plane (6.NS.8)

Translate shapes across the x and y axes (6.NS.6b)

Reflect points over the x and y axes (6.NS.6b)


Big Idea 2:  Discuss, Compare, and Graph Rational Numbers, Lessons 5-7

Lesson 5.  Rational Numbers on a Number Line

Understand the opposites of fractions by looking at a number line (6.NS.6a)

Locate rational numbers using a number line (6.NS.6c)

Use a number line to understand the relationship between rational numbers and absolute value (6.NS.7c)

Lesson 6.  Compare and Order Rational Numbers

Locate positive rational numbers using a number line (6.NS.6a)

Understand the opposites of fractions by looking at a number line (6.NS.6a)

Lesson 7.  Rational Numbers and Coordinate Plane

Graph rational numbers on a coordinate plane (6.NS.6c)